Student Forms
If a form requires a departmental (or a chair’s signature) it will be obtained on your behalf. Unless otherwise noted, forms should be sent to: msengrol@seas.ucla.edu (please be sure to include your UID). You may also submit forms via MyUCLA Message Center.
Petition for Advancement to Candidacy – This form should be submitted by the second week of your last term in the program. [ATC instructions/sample]
Enrollment Petition – This form is to be used if you are adding a course after the second week of the term. MyUCLA will not allow you to add courses after that period.
Graduate Degree Petition – If you have been approved to transfer courses into the MSOL Program, please complete the Graduate Degree Petition online. An official transcript is required even if you took the course through UCLA Extension. When ordering an official electronic transcript, list “msengrol@seas.ucla.edu” as the recipient.
Leave of Absence – A leave of absence must be filled out by any student who needs to take a quarter off. A leave of absence is granted by Graduate Division to continuing graduate students in good academic standing (3.0 GPA) [no exceptions] who have completed at least one quarter in graduate status at UCLA. For detailed information, please read the Leave Of Absence Criteria.
Student Examination Agreement (SEA Form)
A Student Examination Agreement (SEA) Form must be filled out by all students to elect their preference of exam options. This form only needs to be submitted once, UNLESS you have a change in testing options. All proctors need to sign the form certifying their intent to proctor an exam for you. Exams are generally sent two days prior to the on-campus examination. Proctors are responsible for ensuring that completed exams are sent back by the end of the on-campus examination date. Forms must be submitted at least two weeks prior to your first exam. Please see the Exam Info page for further information.