EE 230B Course Overview
Digital Communication Systems
Description of the Course
Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Principles and practical techniques for communication at physical and multiple access layers. Review of communications over the Gaussian channel. Synchronization and adaptive equalization. Nonlinear impairments in radio transceivers. Wireless channel models, diversity techniques and link budgets. Modulations for wireless channels. Multi-antenna methods. Wireless multiple access and resource allocation techniques. Scalable approaches to meeting wireless data rate demand. Letter Grading.
Background students will need
Although prerequisites are not enforced for graduate students, it is strongly recommended that each student has taken courses equivalent to “Introduction to Communication Systems,” and “Estimation and Detection in Communication and Radar Engineering.”
About the Instructor
Gregory Pottie: Gregory J. Pottie received the B.Sc. degree in engineering physics from Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada in 1984, and the M.Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada in 1985 and 1988, respectively. From 1989 to 1991, he was with the Transmission Research Department of Codex/Motorola, Mansfield, MA, where he was involved in high-speed digital subscriber lines and coding and equalization schemes for voice-band modems. He has been on the faculty of the UCLA Electrical Engineering Department since 1991, where he is now a Professor and Associate Dean of Research and Physical Resources.
Course Objectives
- Much is known about how to deal with time-invariant Gaussian channels:
- Optimal receivers
- Optimal constellations
- Optimal codes/decoders
- Goal: Transform nasty channels into (approximately) time-invariant Gaussian channel so that can apply these techniques
- Focus is on the following impairments:
- Non-linearity
- ISI and echoes
- Variability
- Interference
- Course begins with review of Gaussian channel, and then gets into dealing with these mpairments
- Communications over wired channels
- Digital Communications for Gaussian Channel
- Synchronization
- Equalization
- RF point-point communication systems
- Transmitter and Receiver Non-Linearities
- Wireless Channels and Diversity
- Multi-antenna Systems
- Spread Spectrum
- RF networks
- Multiple Access Protocols
- Multi-cell systems
- Advanced topics